Burgaw Local & Change Maker Brings A Whimsical Tradition to New Year’s

“Tied to a zip line in the back alley of Dees Drugstore, Honey, adorned with sparklers in hand, zooms down the line at midnight.”

At the forefront of preserving and sharing Burgaw’s character is Rochelle Whiteside, a dedicated local and the founder of the Pender Arts Council. Rochelle’s deep roots in the community, being a 10th generation local, have fueled her passion for bringing people together through art and cultural events.

Born and raised in Burgaw, Rochelle recognized the need to showcase the liveliness of her beloved town. In pursuit of this goal, she embarked on a journey that would lead to the creation of events like the Burgaw Spring Fest, now a 42-year success story. The Burgaw Town Square has since transformed into a hub of activity for various community events, thanks to Rochelle’s vision and dedication.

Rochelle believes that Burgaw possesses a unique personality that should be celebrated and preserved. In her words, “Burgaw has a personality of its own, and we don’t want to lose that. We want to grow, we want to change, but we don’t want to lose that individuality.” Her commitment to maintaining Burgaw’s identity while fostering growth has made her a change-maker in the community.

As an art and theater teacher in the area, Rochelle has devoted her entire life to using art as a medium to unite the people of Burgaw. Her efforts have been met with enthusiasm and acceptance from the community, making each event a success. Through her work, Rochelle has demonstrated that art has the power to transcend boundaries and bring people together.
One of Rochelle’s recent contributions to Burgaw’s event calendar is the New Years Possum Drop. Acknowledging the charm of the Burgaw Blueberry Drop but realizing its early conclusion, Rochelle decided to create something special for those who wished to ring in the new year at midnight. Introducing Honey, the hand-made giant possum, who takes center stage in this unique celebration.

Tied to a zip line in the back alley of Dees Drugstore, Honey, adorned with sparklers in hand, zooms down the line at midnight. Rochelle humorously assures everyone that no possums are harmed in this affair. The New Year’s Possum Drop has quickly become a beloved tradition, adding a touch of whimsy to Burgaw’s New Year celebrations.

Rochelle Whiteside stands as a testament to the positive impact one individual can have on a community. Through her artistic endeavors and community events, she has not only preserved the essence of Burgaw but has also brought its residents closer together. As Burgaw continues to grow and change, Rochelle remains steadfast in her mission to ensure that the town’s individuality and spirit endure for generations to come.


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